Fall Cash Bingo
Humane Society of Lebanon County CASH BINGO to benefit the animals! Sunday November 3, 2024 doors open 11:30 am, bingo begins 1 pm.
Plenty of food, beverages, baked goods available for purchase at event! Plus, raffle basket tickets available to purchase!
Join us for a day of fun, food, awesome raffle baskets and great door prizes.
2025 Thrift Store Lottery Calendar will be available for purchase.
Bring a donation of laundry detergent, cat litter, kitchen size trash bags, Dawn dish washing liquid, 55-gallon heavy duty contractor trash bags, Cesar Classics (wet food for dogs), small bags of cat treats or Purina Kitten Chow – receive one free raffle ticket!
Purchase tickets in advance at the Humane Society of Lebanon County, 150 N. Ramona Road, Myerstown or at our Thrift Shop, 129 Cumberland Street, Lebanon or at the door the day of the event (first come, first serve).
Tickets are a donation of $20.00 for 20 games of bingo.
Please Note: this is a paper cards and dabbers bingo event.
Questions? Please call 717-628-1369